is an instant cryptocurrency exchange platform, providing the best crypto-to-crypto exchange rates on the market. CryptoChanger supports an exchange of bitcoin to altcoin, altcoin to bitcoin and altcoin to altcoin. You can exchange more than 70 cryptocurrencies, CryptoChanger has everything you need to exchange cryptocurrency right from your smartphone.
✓ Easy to use app that provides its users with all the necessary information about cryptocurrency exchange.
✓ The ability to exchange your current cryptocurrency for any other crypto coin. We support at the moment more than 70 crypto to crypto exchange.
✓ Cryptocurrency exchange rates are included in the app, so the user can see the daily value of the particular crypto.
✓ Buy and sell bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies with ease and no hassle at all.
✓ That's right - this is a free app, with no ads! We cover our costs from crypto currency exchange transaction by taking a small fee.
CryptoChanger is a great app for everyone who is looking to get into the market of crypto currency. The world of cryptocurrencies is just out there waiting for you to get started to make some money by making some smart crypto investments.
To get your desired currency, the process is very simple as all you have to do is to complete all three steps of the exchange process. All the steps processed through the completely secure app server and you will get your desired coins in a few minutes. All of this power of exchange of cryptocurrencies can be in your palm if you download the app for FREE now.
As we had already said this great app is meant for everyone so we mean that both beginner and expert in using this awesome app. That is not the only benefit as you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies on the go. Exchange crypto may sound like hard but CryptoChanger will show you that anyone will be able to buy and sell cryptocurrency as the app will help you to trade crypto in the most appropriate manner as long as you decide to download or keep using this great cryptocurrency app.
Your exchange is all about privacy, anonymity and security. We have a tendency to take all potential measures to keep your exchange transaction safe and secure. All provided services run completely over secure SSL (HTTPS) connection, essential user and transaction information are hashed by SHA-256 and SHA-512 Cryptographic Secure Hash Algorithms.
1ST - FirstBlood
ADT - AdToken
ADX - AdEx
AEON - AeonCoin
AMP - Synereo
ANT - Aragon
ARDR - Ardor
BAT - Basic Attention Token
BCC - Bitcoin Cash
BCN - Bytecoin
BNT - Bancor Network Token
BTC - Bitcoin
EUR - Euro
USD - US Dollar
CVC - Civic
DAR - Darcrus
DASH - Dash
DCR - Decred
DCT - Decent
DGD - DigixDAO
DOGE - Dogecoin
DSH - Dashcoin
EDG - Edgeless
ETC - Ethereum Classic
ETH - Ethereum
EXP - Expanse
FCN - FantomCoin
FCT - Factom
FUN - FunFair
GAME - GameCredits
GBG - Golos Gold
GBYTE - Byteball
GNO - Gnosis
GNT - Golem
GOLOS - Golos
GUP - Guppy
HMQ - Humaniq
LBC - LBRY Credits
LSK - Lisk
LTC - Litecoin
LUN - Lunyr
MAID - MaidSafeCoin
MCO - Monaco
MLN - Melon
MTL - Metal
MYST - Mysterium
NAV - NAV Coin
NBT - NuBits
NEO - Neo
NLG - Gulden
NMR - Numeraire
NXT - Nxt
OMG - OmiseGo
PAY - TenXPay
POT - PotCoin
PTOY - Patientory
QCN - QuazarCoin
RADS - Radium
REP - Augur
SALT - Salt
SBD - Steem Dollar
SNGLS - SingularDTV
SNT - Status Network Token
STEEM - Steem
STORJ - Storj
STR - Stellar - XLM
STRAT - Stratis
SWT - Swarm City
SYS - Syscoin
TIME - Chronobank
TKN - TokenCard
TRST - Trustcoin
USDT - Tether USD
WAVES - Waves
XAUR - Xaurum
XDN - DigitalNote
XMR - Monero
XRP - Ripple
ZEC - Zcash
ZRX - 0x Protocol Token